Tribal Missions - Evangelism - Church Planting - Mass Crusades - Discipleship
There are millions of people on the planet living in darkness, who have never heard the gospel for the first time in their lives. One such country is India, the largest with a population of 1.4 billion, yet it remains unreached. Most of these individuals are highly superstitious and engaged in dangerous religious traditions, particularly within rural hill tribes.
According to reports, there are 104 million tribal people residing in India, classified into 700 official ethnic groups and thousands unrecognized. Culturally, they are dominated by their harmful religious practices, such as child and human sacrifices, along with many other discriminatory customs. Furthermore, the tribes in India face extreme poverty and hardships due to poor geographical, medical, educational, and social infrastructure. As a result, these tribes remain among the most abandoned and neglected groups in the world.
Our central vision, centered on Jesus, is to reach each of these unreached groups with the glorious gospel, using humanitarian aid as an open door. Our fourfold strategy consists of:
Reaching every unreached village by preaching the gospel through meeting their basic needs and planting churches.
Training and supporting locals through evangelism and church planting discipleship programs.
Conducting mass crusades near restricted villages in India and reaching the world through CfaN Youth Crusades and Firecamps.
Establishing schools and hospitals to create a massive and long-lasting impact in tribal India.
Over the past few years, we have witnessed hundreds of villages and thousands of people being washed in the blood of Jesus. Now is the time for a massive harvest.
Pray - Join - Train - Plant - Support us!